February 14, 2014

Expand Your Practice with Private CME Training Programs

Hands-on, live Continuing Medical Education helps keep your practice ahead of the competition and ready to cater to the needs of a wide variety of patients. With so many busy schedules to coordinate around off-site CME programs, it is a good idea to consider private, on-site CME programs to train your entire staff in the comfort of your own practice or facility.

A private CME program from NPI has many benefits including:
  • Saved cost of travel expenses
  • Complete control over course size and attendees
  • Control over date, time, and location
  • Planned for you with experienced staff & highly qualified faculty
A private CME program with NPI usually lasts 1-2 days, but can be completely tailored to the needs of you and your medical colleagues. As such, the cost of these private courses is quoted out on a case-by-case basis. Past private programs have shown that multiple clinicians should be present to reap the full benefits of a privately taught course. NPI recommends five or more clinicians be present for your private program.

So who are these private programs designed for? NPI offers private instruction for a wide array of medical professionals; including family physicians, residency programs, MDs, DOs, PAs, NPs, RNs, and administrative staff. Our history of private CME programs stems from various academies of family physicians to medical imaging groups to private practices & surgeons as well as hospitalists and residency programs, proving the accessibility and versatility of these programs. For more information on our privately taught CME programs, visit our information page and contact us!

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